若木 信吾 with WFD 2019

Wonder Foto Day is the largest photography fair for young artists in Taiwan.
Over 400 artists apply and exhibit 120 artists every year. Around 18000 visitor will join the fair.
Shingo Wakagi will become jury member and also a special exhibition in Wonder Foto Day 2019.
Date: 2019/04/12~14
Venue: Songshan Cultural and Creative Park No. 3 , 4 Warehouse

台北でおこなわれる写真展にfree paper dictionaryとして参加いたします。


若木信吾 わかぎしんご 写真家/映画監督| Shingo Wakagi Photographer/Film Director/Book Shop Owner

雑誌・広告・音楽媒体など幅広い分野で活動中。雑誌「youngtreepress」の編集発行を務め、浜松市の書店「BOOKS AND PRINTS」のオーナーでもある。
映画:撮影、監督作品に「星影のワルツ」「トーテム~song for home~」「白河夜船」(原作:吉本ばなな)などがある。

Shingo Wakagi (1971-) is born and raised in Hamamatsu City in Japan, Wakagi studied at Rochester Institute of Technology’s School of Photographic Arts and Sciences. After returning to Japan in 1996, he has released a number of monographs that often focused on his family and friends in his hometown, including Eiji and Hiro (2015) and The Funeral of Takuji Wakagi (2007). Wakagi is also an acclaimed filmmaker. His debut film Waltz in Starlight (2007) was nominated for the Tiger Award at International Film Festival Rotterdam. His most recent film Asleep (2015), based on Banana Yoshimoto’s novel, was the Centerpiece Presentation at Japan Cuts Film Festival in New York.
TOTEM Song for Home (2009) is a moving documentary about indigenous musicians in Taiwan. Wakagi opened a small bookshop BOOKS AND PRINTS (2010-) in his hometown Hamamatsu City. Bookshop sells collections of domestic and foreign photo books.
