WHY Lithuania? 02 Winter

クリスティヨナス・ブデリス 文/写真
Kristijonas Budelis text / photo


Terminal door closes behind me and cold, thick wind catches my hair. I start thinking that it has been too long since the last time I could feel that fresh, crispy air touching my skin. I step outside onto the freshly fallen snow. It is so white around me that it takes a moment till my eyes adjust. I love hearing the crunching of the snow under my feet. The sound brings tons of memories from my childhood. Running around the forest, playing snow wars with friends from the neighborhood till breathless and tired I would go back home for a huge cup of hot cocoa with lots of cinnamon on top and after the break I would run back outside to keep playing till dark.


I inhale deeply to the bottom of my stomach and a huge smile appears on my face. Here they are, beautiful familiar figures running towards me, well known though badly missed faces and warm long hugs. In a moment chatting, which hardly ever stops when I am back at home, begins. I finally realize how much I have missed all this, the air, the snow, the scenery, and, of course, most of all, the family. On the high-way leading home, radio sound brings out old and so deeply known Christmas songs. It amazes me how strong is the effect of this time of the year on me. I realize that a few years have already passed since the last time I had white Christmas. Time really flies. Watching the snow fall from the sky making the passing forests look like a postcard, I barely notice when the car pulls in the garage and we are finally at home. It takes only one moment till I can feel the scent of Christmas tree. Fresh and vivid. I know it will be standing all decorated and beautiful, lit by Christmas lights next to the fireplace, and certainly, bursting in presents. I drop my luggage and run directly to the living room collapsing on the couch in front of the fireplace. At that very moment my body starts to relax, all my muscles loosen up, my head sinks in, it seems, thousands of cushions and I slowly close my eyes. I still can hear the noises around me, my parents’ voices, clanging plates, rustling table cloth – the noises of excitement and preparation. I want to save this feeling in my head. The sounds of family getting back together, everyone getting ready, an amazing smell coming directly from the kitchen. Duck in the oven. And all the love which you can feel in the air, in others’ eyes and words. Just a total tranquility and warmth goes through the body. This is what I call a true happiness.


The sound of the doorbell brings me back to the living room. First guests. I open my eyes. The huge transformation of the room just simply astounds me. Dining table is completely full of the most delicious dishes, set with elegant tableware, candles spread everywhere, familiar voice chatting in the background, fire quietly crackling in the fireplace and precious people coming back home just to be together. Everything is ready. Everything is just perfect.



リトアニア出身。カウナス工業大学で建築を専攻し修士取得後、全ヨーロッパ・全アジアの卒業プロジェクトで三位入賞。2015年タリン建築ビエンナーレに出展。安井建築設計事務所、takram design engineering 勤務を経て、DOGMA3に所属。シンプルかつアート性の強いデザインが特徴である。
