参加者:ミック・イタヤ / しりあがり寿 / 伊藤桂司 / 小町渉 / 河村庸輔 / 植田工
Which “a temporary evacuation place” will this arrow show?
Under roaded wall gallery plan around JR Shibuya (execute end of September,2019)
“a temporary evacuation place” is the safe place at the time of disaster outbreak around Shibuya Station(Aoyama Gakuin University,Yoyogi Park) We raise recognition to disaster prevention by the art arrow project.『Arrow project・2019』
Participant:MIC*ITAYA / Kotobuki Shiriagari / Keiji Ito / Wataru Komachi / Kousuke Kawamura / Takumi Ueda
Follow the arrows、矢印をたどる。

ミック・イタヤ / Mic*Itaya
ビジュアルアーティスト/VISUAL ARTIST
Visual artist. Graduated from Tama Art University. In addition to being a painter, the multi-talented Itaya also
produces graphic design, fashion, product design, art objects, and music. A “future romanticist”, he works
to convey his message of beauty, love, and peace.

しりあがり寿 / Shiriagari Kotobuki
Born in 1958 in Shizuoka City, Japan. After graduating from Tama Art University with a major in Graphic Design in 1981, Shiriagari joined Kirin Brewery Company, Ltd. and worked on packaging design and advertisements.
In 1985, he debuted as a cartoonist with the book Ereki na Haru, receiving attention as a new type of gag cartoonist whose humor centers on parody.
Working independently since 1994, Shiriagari continues to release fantasy and literary series works and other works in a wide range of genres, including satirical four-panel comic strips for newspapers and long-form narrative manga, as well as underground manga. While continuing to release original work, in recent years he has expanded beyond manga into a variety of media, including video and art.

伊藤桂司 / KEIJI ITO
Born in 1958, Tokyo. President of Unidentified Flying Graphics. Kyoto University of Art and Design, Visiting Professor.
Ito received a Tokyo ADC Award in 2001. Not only has he held numerous solo exhibits, but he also has taken part in international and domestic shows. His latest publication “LA SUPER GRANDE” (ERECT LAB.) is now available. The artist’s interest spans to art direction and visual production as well.

小町渉 / Wataru Komachi
近年ではガールズバンド[スキャンダル]ベスト盤 アートワーク、2017年 ロックバンド[ワンオクロック]Ambitions ツアー オフィシャルT-Shirtsデザイン、2018年オーストラリア[Private Projects]にてコラージュ展開催、2018年パリ雑誌[Double magazine ]アートワーク,2018年 銀座大型文化施設[プラストーキョー] VIPルーム アートワーク等 精力的に活動中。
Artist・Born in Tokyo・Live in Tokyo
Komachi uses collage, painting, photography, and various other methods in his artistic practice to express current social climates and the buzzwords of our shared cultural vernacular with a distinct sense of playfulness. Still, his scope is not so wide as to be overwhelming, with a focus on how these phenomena become part of the everyday and banal. hope that viewers will enjoy Komachi’s humorous and incisive montages of information, language, and visual culture.

河村康輔 / Kosuke Kawamura
コラージュアーティスト、グラフィックデザイナー、アートディレクター。 グラフィックデザイナーとして 多数のアパレルブランドにグラフィックを提供、コラボレーションTシャツを制作している。他にもライブ、イベント等のフライヤー、DVD・CD のジャケット、書籍の装丁、広告等のデザイン、ディレクションを手掛ける。コラージュアーティストとして、様々なアーティストとのコラボレーションや国内海外での個展、グループ展に多数参加。
graphic designer,Collage artist
At Shibuya, while I am drinking the coffee and watching the scenery and the people goes by , I just think.
”Where did we come from? Who are we? Where are we going?”
Meanwhile, in case of emergency, we should evacuate in the direction of the arrow to survive.

植田工 / Takumi Ueda
1978年 東京都生まれ。東京芸術大学卒業。(株)オリエンタルランドを退職後、科学者・茂木健一郎氏に師事しアーティストとしての活動を始める。2017年、独立。2018年、池上高志+植田工「マリア、人工生命、膜、魚」を青森トリエンナーレ、日本科学未来館に出展。
Born in 1978 in Tokyo. Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts. After retiring from Oriental Land Co., Ltd., he studied under the scientist Kenichiro Mogi and began working as an artist. Become a freelance in 2017. In 2018,Takashi Ikegami and Takumi Ueda’s collaboration art work “Maria, Artificial life, Membrane, Fish” was exhibited at Aomori Triennale and National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation a.k.a. Miraikan.