First of all, I painted an airplane on a postcard-sized canvas.
The black background makes it unclear whether the airplane is in the air or taxying on the runway. The image becomes the kind of scene you can see daily above your head, in the sky or at the airport, from the parking lot next to the runway or when you’re in the air, flying above lands you’ve never been to. These airplanes exist in different places in my mind, and this stirs the imagination through places times and velocities.
I invited these planes into my apartment. Airplanes cruise inside, as they do outside of home. Walls become horizons. I created images of fictitious journeys within the safety of my dwelling.
Images that are childlike, daydreams. I created non=physical time and space in between reality and unreality. Moving image is one of the best ways for describing these things.
When I started making movies, I was often asked about the point of view, whose it is, and what they are looking at. I’m looking at things through the camera, the view finder, the lens. Perhaps what I’m looking and interested in is what is behind them, the backgrounds of those things.
主なプロジェクト・展覧会:「リヨン・ビエンナーレ」(2003年、2013年、リヨン、フランス)「横浜トリエンナーレ2005」(2005年、横浜)「Six Good Reason to Stay at Home National Gallery of Victoria (2006年、メルボルン、オーストラリア)「アーティストファイル」国立新美術館(2008年、東京)「第6回アジア・パシフィック・トリエンナーレ」(2009年、ブリスベン、オーストラリア)「Carrousel」Musee du Temps and Musee National des Beaux-Arts de Besancon (2010年、ブザンソン、フランス)「シドニー・ビエンナーレ」(2010年、シドニー、オーストラリア)「Lineament」資生堂ギャラリー (2012年、東京)「Whirl」神奈川県民ホールギャラリー(2012年、横浜)「Under the Box, Beyond the Bounds」東京オペラシティ アートギャラリー(2014年、東京)「Reborn-Art Festival」(2017年、宮城県石巻市)「奥能登国際芸術祭」(2017年、石川県珠洲市) 「Fantasmagoria PARAFIN (2018年、ロンドン、イギリス) 「潜像の語り手」神奈川芸術劇場(2018年、横浜)
Hiraki Sawa
Born in Ishikawa. Completed MFA in sculpture at Slade School of Fine Art in London in 2003. Currently based in London and Kanazawa. Sawa expresses intangible domains such as imaginary landscape or certain senses exist in memories by video installations consist of moving image, three-dimensional and two-dimension-al artworks. By manipulating moving images and three-dimen-sional structures, Sawa realises implausible and yet familiar scene in a given exhibition space which appeal to audience’s imagination. His recent artworks attempt to intersect moving images and exhibition space each other by constructing space through sculptural arrangements of moving images or laying three-dimensional and two dimensional artworks side by side.
Major projects and exhibitions include Lyon Biennale (2003, 2013, Lyon, France), Yokohama Triennale (2005, Yokohama, Japan), “Six Good Reason to Stay at Home” at National Gallery of Victoria (2006, Melbourne, Australia), “Artist File” at New National Museum (2008, Tokyo, Japan), the 6th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art at the Queensland Art Gallery, (2009, Brisbane, Australia), “Carrousel” at Musee du Temps and Musee National des Beaux-Arts de Besancon (2010, Besancon, France), the 17th Biennale of Sydney (2010, Sydney, Australia), “Lineament” at Shiseido Gallery (2012, Tokyo, Japan), “Whirl” at Kanagawa Prefectural Gallery (2012, Kanagawa, Japan), Under the Box, Beyond the Bounds” at Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery (2014, Tokyo, Japan), Reborn-Art-Festival (2017, Ishinomaki, Miyagi, Japan), Oku-Noto Triennale (2017, Suzu, Ishikawa, Japan) and “Fantasmagoria” at PARAFIN (2018, London, UK), “Latent Image Revealed” at KAAT (2018, Yokohama, Japan)