An arrow that guides people to a safety zone. The arrow is a universal image, pointing in a safe direction.

ヒロ杉山 Hiro Sugiyama
東京生まれ。東洋美術学校卒業後、湯村輝彦氏に師事。その後フリーとなり、1997年グラフィックアートユニット,エンライトメントを結成。ファインアートの世界で国内外の展覧会で作品を発表する一方、グラフィックデザイン、広告など幅広いジャンルで独創的な作品を発表しつづけている。さらにPV制作やVJなどの映像分野での評価も非常に高く、三代目 j soul brothers,EXILE,m-flo,
Born in Tokyo. After graduating from Toyo Art School, studied under Teruhiko Yumura. After that, I became free and formed the 1997 graphic art unit, Enligh
tenment. While exhibiting works in the world of fine art and in domestic and international exhibitions, he is presenting creative works in a wide range of genres such as graphic designs and advertisements. In addition, PV production and VJ video field are highly evaluated, and they provide video to SNDAIME J soul brothers, EXILE, m-flo, Namie Amuro, BOA, Girls’ Generation Video.