Graduated from Tama Art University. Visual artist and designer. Romanticist who loves the shimmer of the sun and stars, depicting angels and goddesses with fluid lines. From an early age, she showed her talent when her drawings caught the eye of President Marcos’ wife Imelda, who offered them to her. While studying at art college, she began working in painting, design, fashion and music, and published a cassette magazine TRA, which is in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art In New York. In recent years, she has also supervised and produced works related to art and traditional crafts.
1974 ファッションイラストレーターとして仕事を始める。
Started working as a fashion Illustrator.
1982 絵と音楽で日本の若者文化を世界に現したカセットマガジンTRAを発行、ニューヨーク近代美術館に永久保存される。
Published TRA, a cassette magazine that presented Japanese youth culture to the world through pictures and music, which was permanently preserved by the Museum of Modern Art, New York.
1984 ユニクロ創業時のロゴマークを制作。
Creates the logo mark for the founding of UNIQLO.
1988 アートプランドSTELLAFINEを発表し、アート作品の日用品化を提
Launched the art brand STELLAFANE, proposing to turn artworks into daily necessities.
1990 PRESENT/RED/BLUEの2冊同時発売を機に、初の大規模な個展を開催。
On the occasion of the simultaneous release of two art books PRESENT/RED/BLUE.
he held his first large-scale solo exhibition, and has held numerous solo exhibitions and published collections of his work up to the present day.
2012 和の照明すずも提灯でグッドデザイン賞を受賞。東京スカイツリーソラマチの
と彫刻作品の製作。 ファッションブランドBEAMS LIGHTS with MIC ITAYAの展開は16シーズン続く。
近年、災害時の緊急避難経路を示す渋谷区アロープロジェクト壁画連作や、 茨城県伝統工芸品CRAFARTの監修と制作、銀座和光75周年記念ハンカチーフのデザインなどがある。
Received the Good Design Award for the Japanese lighting Suzumo Chochin.
Produced wall paintings and sculptures for Tokyo Skytree Soramachi. The fashion brand
BEAMS LIGHTS with MIC*ITAYA continues to be developed for 16 seasons.
Recent works Include a series of murals for the Shibuya Ward Arrow Project showing emergency
evacuation routes in the event of a disaster, supervillain and production of CRAFART.
an exhibition of traditional crafts from Ibaraki Prefecture, and design of handkerchiefs for the 75th anniversary of Ginza Wako.
Graphic Designed by Ayako Sakai MIC*ITAYA Design

会場:アルテジオミュージアム 〔山荘 無量塔〕
住所:〒879-5114 大分県由布市湯布院町川北952-1
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