Romi Watanabe
わたなべろみ Romi Watanabe
一輪一輪個性的で怪しげな雰囲気を出す蘭に魅せられて大分経ちます。初めて蘭を見たときは「なんて セクシーな花なんだ。」と思いました。女性の性に関する本の表紙に好きなものを描いていいと言われたと きは、迷わず蘭を描いたほど。蘭の花は本当に多様で色々な形や色があります。今回は、その中でも特に好 きな蘭を描きました。
Long time passed after have fascinated with an orchid which is unique and has the bewitching atmosphere. When I saw the orchid for the first time, I thought “What a sexy flower!” and I drew an orchid without question when I was said that you might draw anything on the cover of the sexual of the woman. Orchid are really various, and there are various forms and colors. I painted a particularly favorite orchid in this time.
illustrator/artist. draw for a magazine, book, textle, advertisement, show window…. first solo exhibition @gallery Rocket 1998. group exhibition/WWF @LOGOS gallery 2001, Illustrative (Zurich) 2008, Aosando Art Fair 2017.Tokyo Art Book Fair 2015.