TAKUMI UEDA Private Gallery
My father had smoked “SHORT HOPE” as long as I can remember. He used to make me go to a cigarette shop to buy one when I was a kid. Even though I hated the smell of cigarette ingrained in every room, at a certain point! I began smoking. But I had kept it secret to my father that I smoked even after I became 20 year old, for I had felt guilty like a junior high school student doing something bad.
A week before he passed away, My father and I was at a waiting room of a hospital just waiting to see a doctor. At that time. I had a pack of cigarette in my chest pocket, which I had totally forgotten. “Hey, do you smoke? Show it to me” he asked and insisted. I felt I screwed up, but I couldn’t keep hiding it any longer. So I passed it to him! My father stared at it and passed it back to me without a word. Even though I felt bad a little for hiding the fact for such a long time, it was just that. I cannot help but think what he had in his mind ever since. I sensed somehow that he was approaching to the end of his life.
A few days after his last day, a ladybug landed on my white shirt when I walked out of my house. I flicked the lady -bug, and he slowly flied away to the blue sky. At that moment I truly thought he might be my father. Whenever I encounter a bug ever since, it occur to me that he might be a reincarnation of my father. But some bugs are not likely at all.
2022年6月4日(土)-6月24日(土) 12:00-19:00月・火・水 休館
RISE GALLERY 東京都目黒区碑文谷4-3-12 TEL 03-6303-3986
Takumi Ueda Exhibition
June 4 Sat – June 24 Fri 12:00-19:00 closed on Monday to Friday
RISE GALLERY 4-3-12Himonya Meguro Tokyo TEL 03-6303-3986

植田工 Takumi Ueda
1978年東京生まれ、東京芸術大学卒業。(株)オリエンタルランドを退職後、科学者・茂木一郎氏に師事しアーティストとしての活動を始める。2017年 2018年、池上高志+植田エ「マリア、人工生命、 魚」を トリエンナーレ、日本科学未来館に出展、2019年、シブヤアロープロジェクトの壁画を制作。
Born in 1978 in Tokyo. Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts. After retiring from Oriental Land Co. Ltd..he studied under the scientist Ken -Ichiro Mogi and began working as an artist. Become a freelance in 2017. In 2018. Takashi Ikegami and Takumi Ueda’s collaboration art work “Maria. Artificial life. Membrane. Fish” was exhibited at Aomori Triennale and National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation aka. Miralkan. In 2019, he drew a mural for the Shibuya Arrow project.