“LET HIM MOVE FIRST.” prototype ll 800mm x 530mm
SHIBUYA ARROW PROJECTの壁画の為の試作。タイトルはソクラテスの名言“世界を動かそうと思ったら、まず自分を動かせ”から浮かび上がった言葉。
This is a prototype for the mural of the Shibuya Arrow Project. The Title comes from the Socrates quote “Let him who would move the world, first move himself”.

伊藤陽一郎 Yoichiro Ito
多摩美術大学在学中よりサンプリングを主体とした作風で音楽活動をスタート。2018年秋頃、突如絵画に目覚める。以来、毎日描き続け2019年末に初個展“NEW FACE”を原宿 kit galleryにて開催し高評価を得る。作曲と絵画を同時に作業する独特のスタイルで作品を描き続けている。
While a student at Tama Art University, I started my musical career with a sampling-
based style, and around the fall of 2018, I suddenly awoke to painting. Since then,
I’ve been painting every day and held my first solo exhibition“NEW FACE”at Harajuku
kit gallery at the end of 2019. I have since continued to work in the style of composing
and painting at the same time.
図録“NEW FACE”はHP他にて発売中(残り僅か)。
https://yoichiro.info/ instagram: akakage_art
The catalogue “NEW FACE” is now on sale on HP and other sites.
https://yoichiro.info/ instagram: akakage_art