I wish we could all be friends.
The three of us were free and peaceful in our collaboration.
Maybe the goddess’s lizards.
安齋肇/ Anzai Hajime
西麻布の交差点近くに今も存在するとあるビル一階にラポエム、地下一階にはレッドシューズが入っていたそのビルの五階に僕と安療華の事務所”COMIX” はあり、追いかけるように四階に事務所を構えた式田純がミック板谷と僕を誘ってカセットマガジン“TRA”を創刊したのが1982年。
A building that still exists near an intersection in Nishi-Azabu-COMIX, the office of Hajime Anzai and I was located on the fifth floor of the building, which used to house LABOEMU on the first floor and Red Shoes on the basement floor. Kiyoshi Shikida followed us and set up his office on the fourth floor. He invited Mic Itaya and me to join him in launching the cassette magazine “TRA” in 1982. After that, the three of us set up a studio in a former warehouse in Shibuya and worked hard on our creations while partying night after night.
Forty years have passed since then, and we gathered at The Artcomplex Center of Tokyo, a gallery run by Shikida Kiyoshi’s brother. Shikida Yuzuru, to hold a joint exhibition. However, this is not a three-person show, with each of us bringing our own work, but all three of us working together to create al of the works.
Moreover, the theme of the exhibition was “Goddess proposed by Mr. Yuzuru Shikita. Thus, we have named this exhibition “megamikkusu. No one could have predicted what kind of things would be created, and in fact, it was a very interesting experience to see the completely unexpected things that were created.
伊島薫/ Izima Kaoru
Keith Jarrett – THE KÖLN CONCERT – complete, Tomasz Trzcinski – piano
80’年代初頭の喧騒の中で平衡感覚を保つためには、自分たちが声を上げ、瞳を見開き、耳を尖らせ、ハリネズミの押し競饅頭を遊ばなければ居られなかった。 まだ若く、傷の癒えるのは早く、それぞれの才能を信じていた。式田純、伊島薫、安齋優に出会い、日本のアートシーンを象徴するメディアを創ろうと、サウンドと ヴィジュアルのカセットマガジンTRAを発行し、アートショップを開店し、闇雲に走り出し、不夜城に暮らし、今ここに居る。亡き式田純の兄、当時から見守って くれていた、ACTの式田譲館長がこの展覧会を企てなければ忘れていたはずの、今だにその傷がいているのに気付く。この三人で仕事をするのは最初で最 後だろう。だが、出会った時からそうであったように、何かの始まりには違いない。
Beautiful Wounds
In order to maintain equilibrium in the hustle and bustle of the early 80’s, we had to raise our voices, widen our eyes, prick up our ears, and play hedgehog pushball. They were still young, their wounds were healing fast, and they believed in their talents. I met Jun Shikita, Kaoru Izima, and Hajime Anzai,
ミック・イタヤ / Mic*Itaya
Roxy Music – Amazona [HQ]
女神ックス 安齋肇 + 伊島薫 + ミック・イタヤ 三人展
「 megamikkusu – 女神ックスー」
@ The Artcomplex Center of Tokyo (ACT)
2022.05.31-06.12 11:00-19:00