浦正水墨画展 [こころの動物たち / 楽・覚・和・猛・遊・幽]
[こころの動物たち / 楽・覚・和・猛・遊・幽]
私の心の中にはたくさんの動物がいて、日常の様々な場面で現れます。この度の「こころの動物たち / 楽・覚・和・猛・ 遊・幽」は、まさに私の心の写し鏡のように、刻々と姿を変えて現れた動物たちです。
彼らはあるときは私を天にも登る心地にし、またあるときは深い闇に連れ去ろうとします。 そしてそのような「こころの動物たち」が現れるとき、私は同時に心の奥に潜む本当の私の一面を垣間見ます。そこには慢 心、エゴ、恐れ、嫉妬という闇もあれば、博愛、慈愛、信念、覚悟という光もありました。
「こころの動物たち」との遭遇は、ときに苦々しい自分と向き合うこともありますが、今はこれで良かろうと、今の私をただ 穏やかに許すうちに、以前よりも気楽に彼ら(つまりは私自身)と上手く付き合える自分になれた気がします。 そんな「こころの動物たち」が貴方の心にもいるとしたら、それはどんな動物ですか。京都の古刹「光明院」の美しい庭園 を眺めながら、貴方だけの「こころの動物たち」と出会うひと時となりましたら幸いです。
Tadashi Ura Exhibition 2021
[A Journey to Invisible Animals / Happiness, Awakening, Peace, Fierceness, Freedom and Mystery]
DATES: 1 Oct. 31 Oct 2021
ADDRESS: Komyoin Zen Temple, 15-809 Honcho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-city, Kyoto 605-0981
*Komyoin is a Buddhist temple built several hundred years ago, which has a rock garden rooted in Zen thoughts.
It seems that there exist many different kinds of animals inside myself. They have appeared from moment to moment in different forms in any situation of everyday life. Yes, these animals are just like mirrors that reflect my heart and mind.
Some have made me feel as if I were over the moon and some have tried to take me away into a dark thicket. Every moment they appear, I get a glimpse of true sides of me which are often hidden deep inside my heart. I have walked in darkness such as vanity, egoism, fear and envy: I have seen a light such as benevolence, mercy, faith and determination.
Encountering with those animals sometimes turns into facing the bitter truth. However, as I have learned to be tolerant of the bitterness and to accept every single side of me, I feel like I am more comfortable with them (that is, myself) now.
If such animals exist in yours as well, what kind of animals would they be? At an ancient temple in Kyoto, KOMYOIN, with its beautiful scenery of a garden, I hope you
can find some “invisible animals” that live only in your heart and mind.
October, 2021
Tadashi Ura

画家/イラストレーター 水墨画会奏墨主宰
Artist / Illustrator
Founder of Sumi-e Society SOUMOKU
Born in Nagasaki in 1972, Tadashi Ura currently lives in Yokohama where he has established himself as an artist. Based on the traditional techniques and aesthetics of Japanese ink painting and Nihonga, he creates his artworks under the inspiration of universal truth as well as elements and beauty of everyday life. He has held various solo exhibitions and live-drawing events not only in Japan but worldwide.
Tadashi has also been dedicated to client work over the last 25 years, which includes designing a junior-high-school music textbook on the page of National Anthem of Japan, as well as working on the countdown movies shown at Times Square New Year’s Eve events in New York City.
Since the foundation of Sumi-e Society SOUMOKU in 2017, Tadashi has been committed to inspiring people of all generations by giving them sumi-e classes at his studio or other institutes. While sumi-e is drawn in single stroke and therefore requires a high concentration, he believes that anyone is able to enjoy creating their own artwork and, most of all, to experience an irreplaceable moment in the here and now.
For work-related requests including art events or inquiries about his artwork and original painting, please contact the following website at any time.

室町初頭の1391年(明徳2年)、東福寺の塔頭として金山 明和によって創建される。山門より入ってすぐの、前庭である雲嶺庭には勝負の守護神「摩利支尊天」が鎮座する。「虹の苔寺」の異名をとり、苔と砂の見事な調和を見せる主庭、「波心庭」は、昭和の作庭家・重森三玲の手になる枯山水庭園で、東福寺方丈庭園とともに昭和14年につくられた。
方丈庭とは趣を異にする平安式の州型庭園である波心庭は、寺号の光明にちなみ、大海を表す白砂に浮かぶ三尊石組を基点に、立石が斜線状に並ぶ。その背後のサツキ、ツツジは大刈込としてダイナミックな雲紋を与えられ、さらに視線をあげれば茶亭「朧月庵」の佇まいが目に入る。禅語「無雲生嶺上 有月落波心」(雲ハ嶺上二生スルコトナク、月い波心ニ落ツルコト有り)を由来とする燕月庵は、昭和32年の建築。窓、壁、障子に月のモチーフを抱き、心の底から眺めることで東の空に昇る月を愉しむ仕掛けになっている。先の摩利支尊天はまた、月に乗る姿で描かれることもあるといい、寺号である光明から月産まで一貫した、精緻で巧みなしつらえが佳景と心の和みをもたらす。煩悩をしりぞければ、月(仏心)が波に映る。
[こころの動物たち / 楽・覚・和・猛・遊・幽]
[企画] 桑原茂一
[共催] 光明院 住職 藤田慶水
[会期日時] 2021.10.1(Fri.)-10.31(Sun.) / 午前7時~日没 / 無休
[会場] 光明院 〒605-0981 京都府京都市東山区本町15-809
DATES:10ct- 31 Oct 2021
ADDRESS: Komyoin Zen Temple, 15-809 Honcho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-city, Kyoto 605-0981 *Komyoin is a Buddhist temple built several hundred years ago, which has a rock garden rooted in Zen thoughts.