植田 工

<<a woman>> 2018

<<flowers>> 2018
Takumi Ueda
I’ve known the story of Princess Kaguya since I was a child, but I never thought she was a dead person until I saw The Tale of the Princess Kaguya, a film directed by Isao Takahata a few years ago. Why did Princess Kaguya return on earth? Perhaps the true meaning of art lies behind the very structure of this story. It is condolences for the dead and a requiescat. All art in the world heals our heart and shows home our heart return to, so I feel these days. Painting, for me, seems to be tied to prayer.
植田工 Takumi Ueda
Born in 1978 in Tokyo. Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts. After retiring from Oriental Land Co., Ltd., he studied under the scientist Kenichiro Mogi and began working as an artist.
Become a freelance in 2017. In 2018,Takashi Ikegami and Takumi Ueda’s collaboration art work “Maria, Artificial life, Membrane, Fish” was exhibited at Aomori Triennale and National Museum of
Emerging Science and Innovation a.k.a. Miraikan.