植田 工

<<a woman>> 2019

<<still life>> 2019
Takumi Ueda
父が病院のベットで寝ている姿を見ながら、いったい今、父は何を思っているんだろうと思いました。 目を覚ました父は、ボンタンアメが食べたいと言いました。記憶を思い出すことは、口の中の飴を転がしながら味わうことと近いような気がしました。人生の最後に食べたいものというのは、自然と記憶の奥から人生の先端へ向かってやってくる野性のようなものかと思いました。
While watching my father sleeping in the hospital bed, I wondered what he could be thinking. When he woke up, he said that he wanted to eat Bontan ame*. Perhaps reminiscing the past is something akin to savoring while rolling candy around in the mouth. What one wishes to eat at the end of his life may be a manifestation of something primitive, springing from distant memory and travelling towards the term -inal point of life. *a citrus flavored soft candy
translation:Kiku Sato
植田工 Takumi Ueda
Born in 1978 in Tokyo. Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts. After retiring from Oriental Land Co., Ltd., he studied under the scientist Kenichiro Mogi and began working as an artist.
Become a freelance in 2017. In 2018,Takashi Ikegami and Takumi Ueda’s collaboration art work “Maria, Artificial life, Membrane, Fish” was exhibited at Aomori Triennale and National Museum of
Emerging Science and Innovation a.k.a. Miraikan.