Yoshitomo Nara

今回ここに載っているものには北海道で撮ったものが多い。実は今年のGWに札幌と小樽の大小さまざまなお店13店舗で、そのドローイング的な写真を展示することになった。ヘアサロンから台湾料理屋、雑貨屋、絵本屋、花屋にカフェ、ひとりでやってる 靴工房とか家具屋まで、会場はいろいろ。大量に展示するところもあるし、3点とか少ないところもある。要はそれぞれの常連さんたちが行き交うくらいの小さなコミュニティ感覚の展覧会。もちろんすべてみんなの手作りで、自分は車一杯に作品を積んで北へ旅立つ。本州最北端の大間からフェリーで函館に上陸して、開催地を目指す。11日間の展覧会のために!
奈良美智 (ならよしとも)
drawing; sculptures made of wood, FRP, ceramic, and bronze; installations that incorporate scrap materials, and photographs that document everyday landscapes and the encounters he has during his travels.
Born in 1959, Nara grew up in Hirosaki, in Japan’s rural northern prefecture of Aomori. Having graduated with an MFA from the Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music, Nagakute, Japan, in 1987, he completed his studies at the Kunstakademie, Dusseldorf, Germany in 1988. Nara began his career during the decade he spent in Cologne, and from the mid-1990s he exhibited widely in Europe, the United States, Japan, and all over Asia. His return to Japan in 2000 coincided with a surge of global interest in Japanese pop culture, particularly in the United States, While he is primarily a painter, his practice encompasses
Nara’s work is represented in notable public collections worldwide, Including the Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC; and the National Gallery, London, UK, among many more.