編集後記 Editor’s Note
“ 一度作ったルールを守り続けることに意味はあるのだろうか? ”
「真面目にマリファナの話をしよう」の著者 佐久間裕美子さんの、おわりに・の一節だ。
311 の教訓から私が掲げたテーマを渋谷区が「渋谷アロー・プロジェクト」として進めている。
そのメッセージを日常の生活の中で伝えるなら、“ 危ないぞ~” 恐怖で伝えるのではなく、かっこいい。美しい。ほっこりする。
桑原 茂→
Is there a point in following a rule you made once upon a time?
We all want to live. And we all want to live without hurting.
This is an excerpt from Sakuma Yumiko’s A Serious Talk on Marijuana.
The release from the fear of getting hurt. That must be what protects the dignity of human beings.
Fear is also the biggest weakness of human beings.
This is used and played as a tool in economics, politics, and even medical science.
The antonym of “fear” is “relief” and “peace”.
I like the sound of these words.
There is some kind of indescribable power in them—a power that makes you believe in love.
Since the 3.11 earthquake, I’ve been thinking about how to provoke protection and safety through
the power of art. Under this topic, the city of Shibuya has started the Shibuya Arrow Project,
in which colorful designs of arrows are placed around Shibuya to direct people to a safety zone.
With artsy arrows drawn all over the streets of Shibuya, the city is trying to prevent the flood of people at
the station.Art has the power to bloom small smiles of relief and peace, instead of evoking a sense of fear.
That is the heart of this project, and what I want to communicate with you all through this edition.
Editor-in-chief : Moichi Kuwahara
Translation : Juri
Design : Yuuki Ikegami