Kayano Tanida The Artist with Down Syndrome

谷田 圭也之/Kayano Tanida
東京都港区に生まれ育ち西麻布保育園卒園 愛育養護学校の卒業直前に東日本大震災 その後大阪に移住し豊中支援学校に就学。 2016年4月にタイのチェンマイに移住。 2018年よりチェンマイの学校「アヌサンスーントーン護学校」の 陶芸授業に参加し始め、生徒さん達とのコミュニケーション、 作品制作を楽しんでいる最中。
2021年3月21日の世界ダウン症の日に併せて Acceptions x HERALBONYの限定アイテム ART T-SHIRT・ART MASKに作品を採用され 現在HERALBONYのオンラインストアにて販売中
谷田圭也之作品情報 Instagram #theartofkayano
Born in August 9, 1998 The breeding in Minato-ku, Tokyo Nishiazabu nursery school graduation Great East Japan Earthquake occurred just before graduating from Aliku Yogo School Then she moved to Osaka, attended Toyonaka Special Support School.
She emigrated to Chiang Mai of Thailand in April, 2016.
In 2018, she started to participate in the pottery class of the deaf school “Anusansunthon School For The Deaf “in Chiang Mai. She enjoys communicating with the students and creating works.
In conjunction with World Down Syndrome Day, March 21, 2021 Limited items of Acceptions x HERALBONY The work was adopted by ART T-SHIRT / ART MASK Currently on sale at HERALBONY’s online store
Work infomation of Kayano Tanida: Instagram #theartofkayano
Design: 谷田一郎@ichirotanida