TAKUMI UEDA Mother, Child, Mermaid, Siren, Pandora.
Mother, Child, Mermaid, Siren, Pandora.
In Andersen’s story “The Little Mermaid ”, a 15 years old mermaid can turn into a human on the condition that if she will not be loved she will lose her voice, her family and her life. However, after the tragedy, she throw herself into the sea and dissolve into sea foam. In order to gain an immortal soul and an ethereal spirit, she is given the challenge of watching over the kind love of mothers and their children. What does it mean to ask a young 15 years old girl, who’s neither an adult nor a child, to acquire the compassionate gaze of a mother ?
Even in myths and fables unreasonable assignments have been given to women. The myth of the charming mermaids, the mission of Pandora, the sin of Magdalene. While re-drawing their figures I am trying to deconstruct and reveal their inner side as well as the irrationality that resides inside me. Nevertheless how does a “mother” looks like in our time ?
I have been painting through the iconography of the Virgin and Child in order to find out the figure which can be considered the one of the “Mother”, but it looks like I still can’t grasp the true nature of a mother. If the gaze of a mother is something that everyone can have, just like the hardships that were given to that Little Mermaid, then I hope that my paintings will turn to be a practice for me to acquire that gaze.
植田 工 個展「infantile」
2022年1月14日(金)~24日 (日) 12時~20時
東京都港区六本木 6-10-1 六本木ヒルズウエストウオーク 3F
Takumi Ueda Solo Exhibition “ infnatile ”
Jan,14 (Fri) – Feb,6 (Sun) , 2022 1 Open 12:00 – 20:00
Roppongi Hills A/D Gallery Roppongi Hills Westwalk3F,6-10-1 Roppongi,Minatoku, Tokyo

植田工 Takumi Ueda
1978年東京生まれ、東京芸術大学卒業。(株)オリエンタルランドを退職後、科学者・茂木一郎氏に師事しアーティストとしての活動を始める。2017年 2018年、池上高志+植田エ「マリア、人工生命、 魚」を トリエンナーレ、日本科学未来館に出展、2019年、シブヤアロープロジェクトの壁画を制作。
Born in 1978 in Tokyo. Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts. After retiring from Oriental Land Co. Ltd..he studied under the scientist Ken -Ichiro Mogi and began working as an artist. Become a freelance in 2017. In 2018. Takashi Ikegami and Takumi Ueda’s collaboration art work “Maria. Artificial life. Membrane. Fish” was exhibited at Aomori Triennale and National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation aka. Miralkan. In 2019, he drew a mural for the Shibuya Arrow project.