「楽しそうに生きていれば、地球の重力なんて消してしまえるんだ。」 伊坂幸太郎原作の映画『重力ピエロ』の中で、ピエロが空中ブランコをしている様子を怖がる子供 に父親が言ったセリフですが、抗えない不条理があっても、それでも生きることの希望を与えてく れるような言葉に感じました。笑顔でおどけるピエロの頬には涙のしずくが描かれていることに気 づかされるようなタイトルですね。
“If you live your life with joy, you can make the gravity of the earth disappear.” As a boy is scared watching a pierrot performing on the flying trapeze, his father talks to him. This is a line from the movie, “A Pierrot”, whose original was written by a novelist Kotaro Isaka. I find this line gives hope for one to live even if he were to face irresistible absurdity. Its title also reminds us that a pierrot, even though he plays the fool with smiles, has a mark of tears on his cheeks.

植田工 Takumi Ueda
1978年東京都生まれ。東京芸術大学卒業。(株)オリエンタルランドを退職後、科学者・茂木健 一郎氏に師事しアーティストとしての活動を始める。2017 年、独立。2018年、池上高志+植田工「マ リア、人工生命、膜、魚」を青森トリエンナーレ、日本科学未来館に出展。2019年シブヤアロープロジェクトの壁画を制作。
Born in 1978 in Tokyo. Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts. After retiring from Oriental Land Co., Ltd., he studied under the scientist Kenichiro Mogi and began working as an artist. Become a freelance in 2017. In 2018,Takashi Ikegami and Takumi Ueda’s collaboration art work “Maria, Artificial life, Membrane, Fish” was exhibited at Aomori Triennale and National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation a.k.a. Miraikan. In 2019, he drew a mural for the Shibuya Arrow project.