静かで美しいメロディー、しかし内容は強烈だ!人種差別、銃規制など彼の怒りをぶつけたもの。僕が気に入った絵を観る時のように、この劇中場面がもっと続くといいと思えた。今回の作品を描く前には必ず“Bullet”を聴き制作にはいった。あえてこの作品はキャンパスの代替としてブルーシートに描いている。映画American Utopiaを見終わったときに、たくさんのエネルギーを貰えインスパイアされ心臓が吹き飛ばされたかのようだった!自問しろ!警告、警鐘、そして痛烈なメッセージ。今の時代に最も大切なものを与えてくれたデヴィッド・バーンに愛と感謝を!!多様性の旅だ。
David Byrne
My favorite song “Bullet” AMERICAN UTOPIA
Quiet and beautiful melody, but the content is intensel Racism, gun control, etc. that hit his anger. I thought it would be nice if this scene in the play continued, like when I saw a picture I liked. Before drawing this work, I always listened to “Bullet’ and went into production. I dare to draw this work on a blue sheet as an alternative to canvas.
When I finished watching the movie American Utopia Inspired by a lot of energy It was as if my heart had been blown away!
Ask yourself! Warnings, alarm bells, and bitter messages
Gave me the most important thing in this era Love and gratitude to David Byrne!!! It’s a journey of diversity.

Hiroshi Masuyama
Born in Hokkaido. Launched a graphic-focused designer brand in Tokyo
Expressed as an art activity that coexists with fashion. Since starting full-scale painter activity in 1985, he has continued to this day.
DATE:20121.08.21-28 / MONKEY GALLERY D.K.Y./東区都渋谷区塩新町12.8.17
03-5728-6260(cate) / 03-3464-3766(gallery) / HP@monkeycafe.jp