常に進化し続けているデイヴィットバーンの精神と生き様を見るかのような映画「アメリカン・ユートピア」。終始心躍る楽曲の数々に我を忘れて引き込まれ、デイヴィットバーンの世界に全てが包まれていくような感覚がとても心地よかった。クライマックスで流れる「Road to Nowhere」では、まるで演者と観客が一つになったかのような一体感と幸福感。「僕らは行き先のない道の上にいるけれど、大丈夫だよ、全てうまくいくよ」とデイヴィットバーンが楽しげに歌い、皆を導く世界は本当に煌めいていて、僕は溢れる涙を止められなかった。自分もクリエイターの端くれとして今ここで自分を歌うように表現したいと思ったし実は誰もが皆そう在れた時、まさにこの世界はユートピアになるのかも・・・そんなことを信じたくなった幸せなひととき。この度はその時に脳裏に浮かんでいたイメージのままに描きました。ぜひQRコードの[Road to Nowhere]を聴きながらご覧ください。
David Byrne’s ever-evolving spirit and his philosophy have been captured by a film “American Utopia” which has undoubtedly caught my heart with a series of his exciting music. It even gave me a sense of comfort as I got immersed in his world completely. The film comes to a climax along with one of his legendary pieces “Road to Nowhere” where the performers and the audience can be united emotionally, which has built a sense of euphoria inside me. “We’re on the road to nowhere but it’s okay. Everything will be alright”. With the cheerful melody of the song, David Byrne was convincing me that the future we are heading to will still be filled with hopes and dreams. In fact, I could hardly control overflowing tears from my eyes. As one of the creators out there, I began to have desire to express myself as if I were singing my own song. If every one of us could express ourselves freely to our own unique melody, the world might become a place so-called utopia. Having that faith and a feeling of gratitude, I drew this piece just from the image that came up to my mind at that moment. I would be more than happy if you could enjoy it listening to “Road to Nowhere that you can access from the QR above.

長崎県出身、横浜市在住。 画家として国内外での展示やライブパフォーマンスを行う一方、イラストレーターとしても様々なクライアントワークを手掛ける。浦正の作品は水墨画と日本画の伝統手法と美学を基調として日常生活から受け取るインスピレーションのままに創作している。
Tadashi Ura is an illustrator and an artist, who uses mainly Japanese sumi inks on Japanese washi paper. His inspiration comes from a universal truth or everyday life of the modern culture, while his style is embedded in Japanese traditional artwork. He often has solo shows and live-painting in Japan and the USA. Tadashi tries to express in his artwork all the beautiful things one cannot sense with the eyes alone.