“FEAR OF MUSIC”に出会って以来、
David Byrneが持つ知性と野性の絶妙なバランスに痺れています。
Since I met “FEAR OF MUSIC”,
I was carried away that David Byrne’s exquisite balanced of intelligence and wild.

伊藤桂司 Keiji Ito
1958年、東京生まれ。主に広告、出版、音楽関係などの分野でグラフィック、アートディレクション、映像を手掛ける。2001年東京ADC賞受賞。個展多数。国内外の展覧会にも参加。作品集は『LA SUPER GRANDE』(ERECT LAB.)他多数。京都芸術大学特任教授。UFG代表。
Born in 1958, Tokyo. President of Unidentified Flying Graphics. Kyoto University of the Arts, Project Professor.Ito received a Tokyo ADC Award in 2001. Not only has he held numerous solo exhibits, but he also has taken part in international and domestic shows. His latest publication “LA SUPER GRANDE” (ERECT LAB.) is now available. The artist’s interest spans to art direction and visual production as well.